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Buy a Brick Fundraising Campaign

Buy a Brick for $100

Each symbolic brick goes towards building the Camp. 

The more bricks you buy, the more you help build the Camp!

And you can claim a 33% tax rebate on your donation!


Your donation will be permanently recognised. 


A Camp Restoration and Development donation board (Acknowledgement Board) will be on permanent display at the Camp on completion of the Development.  


The Donation Record Board will record the names of donors who donate

  • at least $100 as "Red Donors"

  • at least $500 as “Bronze Donors”

  • at least $2,000 as “Silver Donors"

  • at least $5,000 as “Gold Donors”


Gold Donors will also have the option to have their name recorded permanently in a dedicated area of the Camp’s new landscaping. 

How to donate to the
"Buy a Brick"
Fundraising Campaign

Internet banking is preferred as this payment method does not incur fees.


Account: 06-0919-0178269-00

Account Name: Lawrence Chinese Camp Charitable Trust

Please email as we need your details to issue a tax receipt. 


Alternately, a credit card payment can be made below 

Thank you again for your support 


Current stage of Camp Restoration

Vision for the Camp

The Lawrence Chinese Camp is a preserved heritage site that honours its provenance and is a first-class visitor destination.


What’s Planned

â–ª Restoration of the Empire Hotel, stables and Joss house
â–ª New Zealand’s first Chinese goldmining and early immigration museum within the hotel
â–ª Interactive displays
â–ª Oral history stories of the residents
â–ª Landscaped gardens
â–ª Virtual reality walk-through of the 19th century settlement
â–ª Story stops throughout the Camp
â–ª Construction to tender in 2024 (resource consent has been approved)


What It Costs

â–ª Project: $3.5 million
â–ª Spent: $180,000 (planning, assessments, reports, design, consents)



The final design stage is near completion needed for building consent application and construction tending.  The hotel and stable restoration  is the first stage of the larger site development.  




Thank you to our major funding supporters
















The Trust also acknowledges the support and contribution of the following partners and friends of the Lawrence Chinese Camp:



Asia New Zealand Foundation

Clutha Development

Clutha District Council

Dunedin Casino 

Lawrence Golf Club

Lawrence Lions Club

Otago-Southland Chinese Association

Tuapeka Goldfields Museum

Sun Gum Saan Ltd



Monarch Cruises

Origin Consultants


Rayonier Matariki Forests

Southern Hunting Adventures NZ

Stronsay Winery

The Prospector

Tiny's Milton Butchery

Zen Solutions

Southern Pacific Archaeological Research



Givealittle donors _ Fundraiser auction item donors _ Lawrence-Tuapeka community _ Descendants of the Lawrence Chinese Camp _ Friends of the Camp _ Camp visitor donors​ _ Buy a Brick donors


Bryan Cadogan, Clutha Mayor

Malcolm Wong

Teresa Chan

Anne Cheng

Rodger Anderson

Hamish Dalziel 

Jan Harper

Peter Petchey

Lynda Gemmill
Glenis Thomas

Trish Palmer

Jean & David Lai

​Tak and Noelyn Hung

Ingrid Leary MP

James and Eva Ng

Robin Marks

Philip and Kim Seque

Enoch Shi

Loyis Stewart

Nicky Won

Peter Chin

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