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Past events

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Lawrence Heritage Day, Nov 2022

There was a steady stream of visitors at the Open day at the Camp on Sunday 6 November. A beautiful day, the Joss house with displays was open and friend of the Camp Anne Cheng was there to help children don Leonora the Lion and learn how to lion dance!


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Asia New Zealand Foundation visit, 8 October 2022

A repeat visit from the Leadership Network of the ANZF. Dr James Ng, historian and founder of the Camp's Trust, and Camp trustee and descendant Rachel Gemmill shared about the life and people at the Camp in the 1880's.


Lawrence Heritage Weekend 2021: The Lawrence Chinese Camp will be open on Saturday 6 November from 10am-4pm


Explore the historic site of the largest Chinese Camp in New Zealand. Learn about the fascinating history of the Chinese gold mining settlement  established during the 1860s gold rush.

Trustees will be on site, with the Joss House open, learn about the Trust’s restorations plans for this important archeological site.



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Asia New Zealand Foundation visit, 8 May 2021

The Leadership Network of the Asia New Zealand Foundation visited the Camp on their Otago History Hui.


A group focused on understanding and connecting with Asia, the talented frontrunners in NZ arts, media, sport, IT, education, research and diplomacy were interested to learn about NZ's first Chinese settlement. 


Historian Dr James Ng (front right of the photo) spoke to them about the Lawrence Camp and its history. â€‹


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Poon Fah Day, 9 March 2019

Members of the Chinese community and Friends of the Camp came from as far afield as China, Wellington and Dunedin to celebrate the historical relationship between the Lawrence Chinese Camp and the Poon Fah Association NZ.


Guests enjoyed a Chinese-style lunch served from a  dragon emblazoned marquee and were entertained with Chinese music performed live by skilled instrumentalists and a lion dance performed be the OSCA Lion Dancers.


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Lawrence Heritage Day, 4 November 2018

The Lawrence Camp opened its doors for the Heritage Day celebrations in Lawrence.  Despite chilly weather, many families called in to take a look and learn more about what is planned for its future.  It was heart-warming to see our local children's enthusiasm for the Chinese Camp and for Lawrence history.  

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Lion Dance performance, 8 Oct 2022

Lion Dance troupes from Auckland and Christchurch made a pilgrimage to the Camp to remember and honour the past people of the Camp at the alter in the Joss House and then performed for the Lawrence-Tuapeka community. 


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Labour Party Ethnic Caucus Visit on 9 July 2022

With the new school history curriculum including the heritage of the pioneer Chinese in NZ, Ministers of Parliament Ingrid Leary (MP for Taieri) and Naisi Chen (list MP in Botany), as well as Arena Williams (MP for Manurewa) and Mayor Bryan Cadogan visited the Camp on 9 July to learn about its provenance and the history and significance of the early Chinese in NZ from historians Dr James Ng and Dr James Beattie.


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Lawrence Chinese Camp Descendants Reunion visit: Sunday, 24 October 2021

Descendants of the Lawrence Chinese Camp visited as part of their 2-day reunion in Dunedin and Lawrence during Labour Weekend. 


Highlights included an unveiling of an ANZAC memorial for Chinese soldiers from Lawrence Camp, a talk on the history of the Camp by archeologist Professor Richard Walter and a visit to the Joss House where there was a historical photographic display of the Camp and display of plans for its development.  

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Chinese New Year 2020

A fantastic day was held in February 2020 to celebrate  Chinese New Year, "Year of the Rat". 


A large crowd of approx 250 attended the festivities where they enjoyed a Chinese-style lunch with pork cooked in the pig oven.  Guests enjoyed dancing, Lion dancers, heritage displays, gold panning and lots of children's activities - kite, puppet and lantern making, mooncakes, children stories and window craft. 


A big thank you to our funders for the event, Otago Communty Trust, OSCA and the community who made this event successful.


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Chinese New Year 2019

A successful Chinese New Year celebration was held on February 19th, 2019 at the Camp, despite the challenging weather! 


There were Chinese dancers and Lion dancers, along with other activities for the children to enjoy.  Stu Edgcumbe   was on site to demonstrate how to gold pan.  Hot refreshments and a Chinese-style lunch with pork cooked in the pig oven were available and enjoyed by all. 


Watch this space for next Chinese New Year, 'Year of the Rat'.


Thank you to our major funding supporters
















The Trust also acknowledges the support and contribution of the following partners and friends of the Lawrence Chinese Camp:



Asia New Zealand Foundation

Clutha Development

Clutha District Council

Dunedin Casino 

Lawrence Golf Club

Lawrence Lions Club

Otago-Southland Chinese Association

Tuapeka Goldfields Museum

Sun Gum Saan Ltd



Monarch Cruises

Origin Consultants


Rayonier Matariki Forests

Southern Hunting Adventures NZ

Stronsay Winery

The Prospector

Tiny's Milton Butchery

Zen Solutions

Southern Pacific Archaeological Research



Givealittle donors _ Fundraiser auction item donors _ Lawrence-Tuapeka community _ Descendants of the Lawrence Chinese Camp _ Friends of the Camp _ Camp visitor donors​ _ Buy a Brick donors


Bryan Cadogan, Clutha Mayor

Malcolm Wong

Teresa Chan

Anne Cheng

Rodger Anderson

Hamish Dalziel 

Jan Harper

Peter Petchey

Lynda Gemmill
Glenis Thomas

Trish Palmer

Jean & David Lai

​Tak and Noelyn Hung

Ingrid Leary MP

James and Eva Ng

Robin Marks

Philip and Kim Seque

Enoch Shi

Loyis Stewart

Nicky Won

Peter Chin

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